As Spring warms us outside, let March activities at Ivanhoe Congregational Church warm you inside.
March 3 - As a Lenten project we will work in conjunction with Exodus World Services to provide a "Welcome to America!" pack to a refugee family. It is a daunting enough task to be forced to flee their home country for an unfamiliar land, but when most arrive, they have little
more than the clothes on their backs. These refugees have been vetted, approved, and invited by the United States Government. Lists of items to shop for are available so that you can be a part of setting up a home for a refugee family. On March 10 Exodus World Service will briefly introduce the mission.
All donations are due in church April 7.
March 17 - Have you ever wondered how to become one of the LUCKY ones that have the privilege of welcoming everybody to our joyous Sunday celebrations? The great news is that anybody wanting to be the smiling face at the doors of Ivanhoe Congregational Church is welcome to share in the pleasure many already experience. It is a wonderful way to spread the love we all share. After service March 17 (and, of course, a few sugary treats) join greeters new and old for a brief Usher and Greeter training. A sign up sheet will be passed on which you can sign up for future Sundays. Reminders will be sent the week prior to your volunteered date. After the short Usher and Greeter training, Ivanhoe's Emergency Planning Committee will briefly discuss emergency procedures we are to follow in the unlikely event of a church emergency. Join us!
Holy week -
March 24 - Palm Sunday worship.
March 28 - Joint Maundy Thursday Potluck dinner and service will be held at Community Protestant Church in Mundelein. Dinner is at 5:30 p.m., and service at 7:00 p.m.
March 29 - Joint Good Friday service will be held at Ivanhoe Congregational Church at 7:00 p.m.
March 31 - Early risers can enjoy a hopefully glorious sunrise at our 6:30 a.m. Easter celebration.
Those choosing the comfort of an indoor service can celebrate with us at 10:00 a.m.
Come celebrate Easter at Ivanhoe Congregational Church, Spreading God's love in welcoming all for 186 years.